Yes!!! And Timothy Snyder's suggestion of having a Dem shadow cabinet - a lawmaker for each major topic - commenting forcefully in the news on his/her topic every day.

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Timothy Snyder’s suggestion is essential if Democrats are to grab ahold of this coup d’etat.

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It would be great to have an Democratic press conference everyday...maybe right after "Barbie" speaks to fact check her and update us on what actions are being taken to stop the insanity.

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Seriously. Cable “news” used to do fact checks. Repubs hold insane press conferences for the silliest of things. Dems need to wake Americans up. They need to keep talking about how serious things are. I mean firing military generals, or worse, military attorneys! The ppl who tell ->🤡 “NO”.

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I’ve been asking for it for 3 weeks. Hope you have enough followers to make it go viral.

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I love Barbie. My Motto and I flashed it since they put up the Let's Go B signs. Let's Go Barbie. Watch the movie. Not a kids show. :) But, I agree this would help. Does she ever talk fact? Most of the puke that comes out of her mouth is definitely not truth.

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An accomplished flawless liar. The key qualifications.

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I am so tired of people telling me stop watching the news! Stop scrolling on social media! Stop posting on social media!

No, I won’t. It’s my only form of protest. If I reach one person or two people by reposting something, I’m doing something good. I’m 75. I’ve seen these protests back in the 60s. We made a big change now with this asshole this orange mango in office and his stupid Nazi minions that are terrified of. I don’t know what he’s a weak, stupid demented old man. I really can’t believe those Maga people believe the lies that he told them. I can’t believe that the Christian right “the moral majority“ follow him. What the hell is wrong with these people?

I was told “oh don’t worry he’ll have guard rails “. “He didn’t do anything that bad The first term, He’ll be fine this term. “

Guess what he’s not fine. He’s ruining this country. This is my way of protesting and I will not stop!

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Actually, he tanked the economy and was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands during his first term....

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They are definitely not the majority and definitely not moral. Maybe after this, people will see the woman was the right choice. The majority didn't vote.

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This statement should be sent to every Democrat in Congress and the Senate and it should be mandatory reading! I'm not seeing democrats on news stations, Podcasts, holding town meetings contacting their home state legislators and have them holding meetings. Right now all we see are Republicans everywhere telling their stories and lies. It doesn't matter if its true or false they keep being seen and heard! Democrats need to take the lead and call out their lies and tell the truth about what is really happening! We the people need to wake up and stop the insanity! Beat them at their own game take over their media time and call them out on every lie they tell, every policy that hurts our country and our people!

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Agreed. The Dems are at this point seem dead in the water, waiting for … something. At least they all voted No on the ‘Oligarchs Budget’ Republicans designed.

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I'd love it if Hakeem Jeffries would stop talking about "the American People" and would instead say "We/our" and "you/your". Republicans are stealing your data, they're firing our neighbors, they're taking education away from you, etc.

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Good point.

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We will add your suggestions to our list, Ally. We have someone who has organized a group here in our town. There are five committees each focused on a specific area of interest and the number of people is growing. If I weren't doing what I am doing, I'd be in a constant state of rage. Light your hair with a match, people! Be loud! Tell your representatives to follow Chris Murphy. He is sharp, focused, clear and damn right every time. He is verywhere, even on "X" (formerly Twitter). He's not just in our echo chambers. He and Ally inspire me.

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We MUST ask ourselves what are WE DOING IN THIS FIGHT 🦾💪🏾🦾💪🏾🦾💪🏾🦾💪🏾🦾💪🏾🦾🙏🏽

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This is the best advice on what the Democrats need to be doing. JC, I wish you were the DNC chair.

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Ally, THANK you, thank you, for this absolutely PERFECT ‘guidebook’ on what our Democratic leaders need to do—starting yesterday.

I am contacting my legislators and mentioning every single urgency that you’ve so succinctly detailed here and demanding they implement each of them.

You’ve given me hope after reading your perfectly-worded strategy suggestions—and I can’t thank you enough.

This has made me a paid subscriber !!

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This is so astute. It should be sent directly to Murphy. Anyone in his constituency?

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very good article!! Share with all of the Dem congressmen and congresswomen!!

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Yes, this is exactly what Dems need to be doing. Please keep harping on them every day!!

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So good to read this. Thank you for your work.

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A.M.E.N. C'mon, Democrats!!

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Great ideas! Dems need to be doing this now. Congressperson Crockett made some of these points on MSNBC ( see on youtube)

TIme for cowards to leave Congress. We need courageous leaders to step forward.

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You are spot on.

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Exactly the right strategy. And keep Schumer, Sanders, and Warren off the air. Young blood is mandatory.

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